Welcome Back Pipeline
Its back to the weekly blog posts and updates for all of you. Sorry for the long delay, just had to take a break with the website and...

Annual Training at PTA, Hawaii Island.
Hey everyone, I'm back again with another blog post! Its been a while but incase you were wondering where Ive been for the past two...

Hawaii Camera Photography Meet Up in Kaka'ako.
This past weekend I was able to experience my first photography meet up event. It was hosted by Hawaii Camera, and we did all of our...

Setting Fire To The Sky.
If you were out somewhere on the island this past Sunday evening, you might have probably noticed how beautiful the sunset was that day....

Calm Spring Season.
Aloha everyone, I'm back again with my weekly blog posts, I've taken a break on posting and working on my website since I had a lot of...

Weekend Recap #46: Reunited!
In this segment of my weekend recap series, I was lucky enough to be able to se my cousin again after visiting her in San Diego two years...

Weekend Recap #33: New Year's Eve and New Year Weekend.
Started off the week with a quick photo shoot for my friend, she needed some photos for her portfolio because she was heading out to L.A....

Weekend Recap #31:
It was a another good weekend, one more weekend till the Christmas weekend. I ended up doing a lot more than what I expected, an...

Weekend Recap #30: From Parties to Surf.
Is back to another weekend recap, this time, I got to enjoy a few Christmas parties, surf and a family photo shoot. Cant beleive this...

Weekend Recap #29: Sunday Surf Check.
Aloha and welcome to another weekend recap blog update, I finally had the time to head to the beach and check out the recent swell...