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Getting Lost On Coconut Island

This past Wednesday I was able to take a tour and experience what goes on at Coconut Island in the middle of Kaneohe Bay. This was a tour offered to members of the Waikiki Aquarium, So I was able to take the day off and join in on the fun.

I came to He'eia Pier around 6am and waited till 9am. It was a relaxing morning, I was too lazy to leave my truck and wander around to take photos so I just took this one from the parking stall I was in. If you're a photographer, you'll end up having these moments when you see a good photo opportunity.

We all finally arrived on our boat; volunteers and workers from the Hawaii Institute Of Marine Biology , ferried us there and were also our guides throughout the tour. It was nice smooth ride from the Pier to Coconut Island. I had so much scenic photos of the Ko'olau mountains and Kaneohe. Majority of the times I was standing up on the boat ride.

These photos I took came out even crazier when I edited them, almost making it look like a scene from a movie.

One of the sides were demonstrating the use of a Plankton net that he drags out behind the boat every time they travel out. He does this to test the water and see how well the plankton and other marine life are doing, based on the samples.

More backdrops of the Windward Side, its so beautiful and majestic out here.

We reached our destination at Coconut Island. Here, we embarked on our tour of the island. We learned the history and importance of this place. a few facts about this island; It was owned by many well known people of those time periods, it was very overgrown and did not look like it does today, the island was modified in ways to accommodate some of the people who lived here before, and its one of the research facilities of the Hawaii Institute Of Marine Biology.

The Guides briefing us before they split us up into groups to cover the island.

Our first top was the Shark Ponds where they were raising young Baby Black Tip Reef Sharks. Eventually they'll get released into the wild once they reach adulthood. You could also see a lot of Bluefin Travalley or Omilu.

Learning some things about Sharks, this was a jaw of a reef shark.

Besides all the marine life, Coconut Island also had a beautiful landscape scenery. So much Coconut trees and other trees made this island feel very tropical and peaceful.

Continuing our tour under some shade, we learned more about the people who once own this island. So much history and things I didn't know about this place.

Marine F/A-18s taking off nearby at Kaneohe Marine Corp Base. These guys were fun to watch.

The complete clarity of the waters off the island were no joke. This is one out the two only beaches on the island. I actually walked in halfway out and set my camera and tripod out just to get this shot. I wanted to swim so badly.

Here we are at the other shark pond. This one included four massive adult Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks and one adult Sandbar Shark. They circled around us like dogs excited to see their owners. I wanted to jump in with them to get some epic underwater shots. Thees guys were neat to see and my first time seeing Hammerheads up close.

What learned about the these species of Hammerheads is that Kaneohe Bay is a breeding ground for them. 80% of the pups born do not make it to adulthood due to; Disease, Predators, and cannibalism. Now thats pretty crazy if you're one of these babies trying to live out there in the bay.

The touch pool tank was neat, learned a little bit of some of the creatures you'll find out here in Kaneohe Bay. Too bad we don't have these creatures at the aquarium.

This cove area here used to be a man made pool built by one of the island's owners who used to throw all types of parties here back in the days. There would be a diving platform and waterslide. Now its a quiet relaxing cove lagoon.

Some of the Waikiki Aquarium Members singing the theme song for , "Giligan's Island," to win some goodies. Coconut Island was also used as the setting for the popular tv show series.

Lunch at the pavilion center near the lagoon. Such a relaxing setting to be here, its almost as if we were on a vacation on a private island in the middle of no where.

Getting some last minute shots before we left back to He'eia Pier. Hopefully I'll be able to come back here again soon. This trip was well worth it and something to look forward to as I continue to be a volunteer with the Waikiki Aquarium.

The same jets we saw take off earlier ago that day, came back in for landing. Thank goodness for my quick reaction and fast lens changing. I snapped a few photos of them coming in.

Gotta love a view like this, if I ever have a chance to travel around the island on a boat, helicopter or any way different than just walking, Im down to go. Cant always get views like this everyday.

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