Lulumahu Falls Hike

Here's to another epic hiking day out in Nu'uanu. I finally got a chance to hike on the Lulumahu Falls trail for the first time ever. After all these years of living here and even hiking Pali Notches, I wanted to come see what this place was all about. Im glad I did make the call to hike here because it was a fun and adventurous time. Recently I've been chasing Waterfall hikes this year and its gotten me back on my "Adventurous" mode, helping me get back to seriously working on my photography and exploring more of the island that I don't always get to see. Here are some photos from the hike, I'll explain how the trail works and what you need to look out for so you don't get lost.

The start of the trail begins at the main parking area along the Pali Highway on the right side of the Windward bound road if you're coming from town. You'll see all the cars parked in a dirt parking pace next to the gate opening. Once you get there, the trail can go any direction but you'll eventually be guided by a main paved road and small signs and markers designating the path you need to follow.
You'll encounter a big bamboo forrest where the trail can go either a left or right turn but just follow the path that looks cleared out and you'll reach a paved road where you follow it up. Its easy to get lost but you shouldn't because this place is very busy in the morning and afternoon. If you do get lost, just backtrack where you came from but if that doesn't work, keep walking one direction and eventually you'll end up somewhere.
Depending on the weather condition, you'll most likely experience a Dry-Wet-Muddy Hike. Be careful of your footing, the most challenging parts are the water crossings and heavy mudded areas. Once you're on the main beginning of the trail, its mostly muddy. A tip from me; I use my camera Tripod as a cane or walking stick. It comes handy in these extreme conditions and saves you from falling hard. The hike from start to the waterfall took somewhere around 2 hours.

Along the second part of the trail, you'll reach this dry wooded area and come upon a narrow ditch. Another way to enter the other half of the trail is following the path along the reservoir but that way has been blocked by a recent fence that was put up to prevent people from entering and jumping off the water tower. I took a short break and got some photos just to see how well my 85mm would work here.

Using my 855mm lens at this spot gives that depth of field, type of photo. Dramatic setting and when editing it on lightroom, the natural colors enhanced bring out a moody feel when you travel through a forrest in the early morning.

Love these shots, I got them using the Canon 6D's wifi function, connected to the Canon Camera app on my phone. My camera was staged on a Manfrotto Tripod, with the lens set manually. I had to focus off the tree or somewhere in a general area, then I would stand to where that focus was set and match it from how it looked like on my phone. The shutter was on timer mode, just enough for me to move around and fit into a pose. It would be easier if I was traveling with a group but sometimes I gotta make use of what I have and be creative with it.

Self-Portrait in the middle of the forrest, also this is what I usually wear when hiking places like this. Always be prepared for a change in the weather and carry water on you. Being appropriately clothed for the environment and having necessary items prepared, will make your hiking trip easier to run through.

Ive finally reached the top of the hike and began to relax here for another hour or so. Perfect time to do some photos since the group that was here, left and I had the waterfall to myself at this time of the day.

Letting nature sink into me was the best feeling of that day, I didn't want to leave and felt like it was clearing my mind of all the problems I had. Made me forget about reality for a bit.

Also ran into some members from the photography club I'm in. Wasn't expecting to see them here and once I heard someone calling my name, I knew it had to be someone who knew me.

Just getting creative with my photos. I was inspired by a photographer who uses photos with his phone and blends in images in the same photo to make it like the photo is coming out of his phone. A special photography trick and of course, can only be done in photoshop.

My instagram stories from this day were breathtaking, probably made a lot of people mad because I didn't invite them to come hike with me.

Taking all that positive vibes in as much as I can. I'll return tho the place again and next time with more creative ideas for photos.

Until then, stay tuned for the next waterfall hike adventure. You're always welcomed to come join me.