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Weekend Recap #29: Sunday Surf Check.

Aloha and welcome to another weekend recap blog update, I finally had the time to head to the beach and check out the recent swell hitting the North Shore. I've been so busy with work this past week that I didnt have any time to drive down to shoot or watch most of the big surf going on this side of the island, realy a bummer but it is what it is. On Sunday evening, I headed down to Waimea Bay to see if there was still 20ft+ surf so I could catch a few photos and videos with my drone and cameras. There wasnt that much going on because I missed the intial peak in the early morning hours but it was still nice to feel the prescence of winter kicking in.

In between sets breaking near the rock.

Aerial view from my drone overlooking Waimea Bay.

Golden Hour striking down.

The North Shore Lifegaurds are the best on this island and probably one of the best in world. Gotta give it to these guys for saving those in distress and taking care of us during this winter season, when dangerous surf could cost us our lives.

A Passing storm halted me to not continue flying my drone but to take this picture instead. Thank goodness my Canon 7D is built to handle all types of weather conditions.

It was a beautiful sunset, cant wait to get back in the water again soon, hopoefully I get a housing for my cameras soon. Until then, its landshots and aerial photos and videos to document the surf on the NOrth Shore of Oahu.

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