Weekend Recap #23: Feel The Mana.
Id like to say that this weekend was the best weekend so far in this month, so much positive energy and good vibes, SO i''l try to break it down as short as I can. To start things off, my Friday night was suppose to be a concert night but ended up becoming a photography session down at Kaka'ako after work, I attended a funeral ceremony at Makaha Beach for a well known photographer, got a drone to enhance my photography, partied hard at Haunted Wonderland, and ended it off with a sunday afternoon beach time while testing my drone. This was just a crazy fun filled weekend so I'll describe it through some of the photos.

Kaka'ako was looking nice this FRiday afternoon, surf was out and everyone got a piece of the waves.

Beautiful sunset as always, on this side of the island.

This just happened as I was sitting on the hill waiting for the sunset. I had my camera set up on a tripod and as soon as these sets started to break through, I quickly turned my camera on and snaped away. I bodyboard around this side of Kaka'ako and it does get crazy when its big, it doesnt barrell perfeclty but it still has some power behind it.

Sets rolling through Kewalo looked like Pipeline, epic lefts and rights for days. Im pretty sure the surfers here were so amazed and happy to catch this swell.

A last sunset photo from Kaka'ako. This particular shot captured everything I wa looking for, in a final sunset photo. The colors and the way the cloud and sky were, was perfect timing for my shot. To me, this photo looks so unreal.

My very last photo for the day was with the moon.

It was down to the West Side of Oahu at Makaha Beach for an emoitional and spiritual funeral ceremony for a beloved photographer, Jeff "Mana" Walthall. He was such an amazing photographer, it was so shocking that I found out he passed a few weeks ago. He passed doing what he loved to do whcih was surfing and is now watching over all of us every time we jump into the water. This was my first paddle out ceremony ive been too and it was a chicken skin feeling because I knew he was there with us. I loved his work and he was one of the Hawaii photographers who gave me an inspiration to make my work better. Rest in peace brother, you will be missed but never forgotten.

Final farewell as Mana is laid to rest in such a beautiful place and his true home.

Later that night I went out to experience my first ever rave concert at Haunted Wonderland with my dad's friend who came from Maui. His friend couldnt make it so he gave the ticket to me since all three of us were originally suppose to go. It was pretty crazy and fun and totally expected to see everything I heard about these events, which did happened. We ended up getting pushed to the front so much times that at the last hour, I was by the fence. It was a good time that night, im not a raver but it was well worth it.

I ended up picking a drone from a previous owner and tested it out on Sunday and got this amazing shot. This was one of the best investments I made so far and a bigger part of my photography arsenal. I mainly wanted a drone to use it for video purposes so I could have aerial scenery and make more creative short films.

A family from Argentina noticed me flying my drone and asked to get a few videos of them for their trip. I kindly told them I could and went all out for them. It was fun working out a short video with people in it and gave me the chance to explore more ideas I could do with my photography.

Ke'iki beach from the air.

Finally to end it off, a sorta sunset photo from my hometown in Wahiawa, the best way to end the weekend.