Weekend Recap #20: Behind the Contest.
Its a late post blog update with just a few photos but I wanted to share them with you all. Due to the weather conditions and time contraints, I was able to put in a little something of my photography work while also working with getting photos for Fitted Hawaii's "10 Days of Fitted" contest. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the challenge and next weekend is better.

Sunset down at Shark's Cove on the North Shore of Oahu.

Getting some Photos for Fitted Hawaii's contest. This contest has really given me the chance to work on my photography skills and to think of creative ways to use hats in my shots.

Behind the scenes of me shooting a photo.

Kaka'ako on a Friday evening.

Slow shutter speed and Neutral Density Filters make a good combination for photos like this.

It wouldnt be Selfie Sunday without a self portrait lol. One of the reasons I like going to Kaka'ako Waterfront Park is the lighting effect. Its best to go around noon and before sunset.

Another day down and many more to go.