Graduation Season.
Graduation Season is around the corner this year, wether it be High School or College I've been able to work on a few shoots helping some High School classmates who are graduating college. In this blog post, I worked on graduation portraits with three of my classmates from Mililani High School; Kenton, Danielle, and Kara. It was great seeing them again especially when I haven't seen majority of people I knew from my class, which was six years ago. Im glad they still kept in touch with me over the years and asked me to come help them out with some photos. Here are some of the photos from the two shoots I did recently.
If you're graduating this year, I'm available to come help you out with a photo shoot. If you're not graduating but really want to use me for you future graduation, feel free to contact me, I'm always available.

Kenton and Danielle have been together since the beginning of high school, when I first met them, now fast forward from 2008 to 2017, and they're already married, have kids, and gradating college. We did this shoot in Kaka'ako right before sunset and it was the perfect backdrop for this theme. They also brought their son and daughter and we did some family shoots in between, They're also expecting a third child on the way, thats crazy! Time sure flies by fast and I give these two props for holding it down for so long and making it this far. I hope they continue to have a great future with their family.

Onto my next shoot, I was with another classmate, Kara Torres. I almost had a hard time remembering who she was when she contacted me, until she said we were both in the same language arts class in senior year, thats when it hit me aha. She contacted me after seeing Kenton and Danielle's photos and wanted to do something similar. We came out to North Shore in Haleiwa at Police Beach for the setting. She wanted a "Beach Theme" so I had this place in mind. If you're into makeup and makeup tutorials, Kara does that on the side so be sure to check out her work. Thanks Kara for allowing me to do a shoot for you, also congrats with finishing college, hope you do good out there.