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First waves of Pipeline and Ehukai Sandbar, 2017.

Here's some photos from Ehukai Beach Park, the first wave photos from here for 2017 in January. It was really fu coming out here and being able to use my new surf photography setup. Check out these photos from this weekend, awesome conditions and fun times making new friends in the surf lineup.

Clarity out here was perfectly clear, well thats before the winds and choppy conditions started coming in. The photo above was taken at Ehukai near the lifeguard tower, right after shooting Pipeline first in the morning.

Trying to get that Over-Under shot at Pipeline, thanks to using my AquaTech Housing with the very huge dome port and my Canon 1d Mark ii. I was able to finally use my wide angle lens.

Made a few connections out in the lineup that day, I love getting photos of everyone out in the lineup. Im always asked by a few people every so often, to get shots of them and I try my best to get the perfect photo, no matter what the angle or direction they are going.

Decent size in the surf, I was hoping 8-10ft but the surfline forecast wasn't that accurate, it was half the size of a 4-5ft day hahah.

Michael Tamarro sitting in on this set that rolled through.

Under the clouds of the sandbar, so much going up and on the bottom.

Sandbar breaks looking like a storm cloud passing through.

Wide view from the sandbar zone, it was really crowded here, myself and two other guys shooting photos along with a group of young kids fooling around in the surf with surfboard and a few bodyboarders.

One of my favorite photos from that day, catching a kid pull through a wave breaking right, while at the same time getting the shot from behind as the wave breaks with still enough glass and clarity to see the kid through the water.

One of the kids who were going all out on longboards in the sandbar, it was pretty funny watching them wipeout.

Always gotta make sure to live the day wth 100% "Aloha" \m/

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