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Weekend Recap #51: Family Photo Shoot

I was happy to receive the news that I'd be doing a photo shoot for my cousin and her family. This photo shoot was part family and pre-engagement. My Cousin Christine and her soon to be husband, Ka'anoohi, are getting married in July. I thought they've been married all these years aha. It was nice seeing them on that weekend.

We chose Ko'olau Park as our main spot for the shoot since it would be easier for all of us to travel there and they wanted to have scenery of the moutians and ocean in their photos. At first the weather looked promising but it quickly stormed around 8/9am but we decided to chance the shoot anyways. It did work out despite the weather that day, it actually made the shoot epic.

We did a series of four to five different sections of shooting. My cousin and her family had two different outfits; One being traditional Hawaiian and the other, more casual and aloha attire.

With the Ko'olau as my backdrop, the setting and subject of this photo blended together real well.

My cousin and her family \m/

This is what a Polynesian Wedding would look like, loved their choice of wearing this for the shoot.

I wish my cousin congratulations and good luck on her marriage with her soon-to-be husband!!!

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