Weekend Recap #34: The Wave Chaser has returned!
It's been a long overwait of shooting anything from the water ever since my Canon 70D was out of commision, that experience put me in a bad place for over three months not being able to capture the surtf on the north shore of get back intouch with anything realted to the ocean. Now i can finally say that I finally upgraded to a professional housing, something I've been dreaming of having ever since I started my photography, now that dream is a reality and I can finaly say I own a real housing.

Introducing the SPL Splash Housing for the Canon 7D and the 5D series. I was so lucky to have this opportunity open up for me. I saved every money I could just to afford my very own professional surf housing and found this deal. Its been used for only a few months by a photographer who lives on the North Shore.

It was off to Sandy Beach with my friends and to also test out my housing. When we got there, we didnt expect it to be that samll, it was around the area of 2-3ft shorebreak but" straight rocks everyhwere action!"

Let my friend break in the housing in the water first and went out to the rocky area to shoot some long exposure shots.

Usiung some hats to do some sidework and a few promo shots for a couple of my sponsors.

Troy and Nate about to captiure the action.

Im so lucky I get to wake up to see another sunrise and live to do what I love doing best.

Using my 50mm was the only lens I could fit in my housing for now, i was very challenging to shoot with but I managed to captiure some incredible shots.

Troy capturing me comoing down the lineup with a shaka, while I end up going straight into the sand.

Bodysurfing with no hands!!!

Capture my friend Nate as he was getting this shot for himself, this shot was one of the best out of this Sunday.

Im so happy I finally got the type of housing ive always wanted, now it's a crucial game changer for me and a chance to move up along the photography board. I hope to see more ocean shots and more opportunities open up in the this year.