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Weekend Recap #28: Photo shoot Weekend.

Its been another crazy fun filled weekend again. I dont want to go on in detail about how it went so I'll break it down as best as I can. On Saturday, it was reunion hadventure day with my good buddies from high school; Joshua and Holo, couple of good braddahs ive been friends with ever since high school. Joshua flew in from Vegas for thanksgiving and planned out a day for us three to hangout. Luckily we were all freee that day and we ended up journeying to a sorta secret spot on the East Side of Oahu before Sandys. Here, we did some photo shoots and took pictures all around, especially since it was my friends' first time here and only my second time coming back to this spot.

Gotta take on selfie with camera on my tripod lol, the best selfie stick.

Check out the view, makes you want to sit back, relax and forget about the world.

My wide agnle lens really brings out the size perspective for this area near the enterance from the cave. It's basically a hidden cove next to lookout spot above.

A fun and challegning place to test out slow shutter speed effects. I used my Canon 7D with a 10-18mm EF-S Wide angle lens along with a Neutral Density Filter; ND2, ND4, ND8 on 8 seconds.

Kona Red on a good day like this.

Jumping into the photo shoots, I took the time to take individual photos of my friends with various poses, backgrounds, cameras and lenses. It was relly fun working with them, they were pretty much way of praticicng for upcoming and future shots that might require a good knowledge on how to take photos of people. My friends had a great time and were stunned with how their photos came out. This was really for them and I was glad to be able to get some shots for them and to see how well my skills in photography had developed over the years.

Of course I had to pose for a photo of myself too. It wouldnt be a Selfie Sunday without one hahah.

Now we ventured into Kaka'ako as part of our second stop for our adventure trip. It was really fun checking out all the artwork again but friends didnt have the chance to see this year's work. As the day went on, we got a little more creative with out shots, alsmot hurting ourselves in the process. Checking out the PowWowHawaii artwork is are tradition every year, hopefully we can make it out as a full group reunion because its always better to come here with more people.

Recreating a shot from 2014 minus are friend Kohl who was with us in our last trek to here.

No matter what, we always have fun when we see eachother, and as for this hangout day, it might be our last chance we get to see eachother for a long time.

If I was a girl, this photo would be appropriate LOL

Kaka'ako Wedding shoot during the sunset.

Sunday was a supprise photo shot with a couple that reached out to me a month back. What actualy happened was I thought the shoot wasnt unitl December 29 but it was a typo in the message and that they had arrive in Hawaii on Sunday and wanted to know what time the shoot would be. I was with my friend at that time and just came back from Sandys and was chilling at Ala Moana for lunch. Luckily we didnt leave otherwise that wouldve been crazy. So with the last minute notice, we rushed back to Waikiki and from there, everything went on as planned and the shoot was great success.

This couple was amazing and really fun to work with, they came all the way from North Carloina to stay in Hawaii for the week. They were really nice and full of energy, we talked a lot about where we came from and a few things about Hawaii. It was as if we just been great friends for a long time already, and the photos and everything that went into it, came out perfect for them to enjoy and love. It was the best professional related photography work, I've done so far and I cant thank them enough for giving me this opportunity. I hope to see them again soon and really hope they enjoyed their time with me and the pohotos.

Looking back at some of my drone shots from Saturday at Kaka'ako.

Sunset from Kaka'ako Waterfront Park.

Great time with these guys over the weekend, photos are memories that can last forever and I know I always got their backs as much as I know they got mine.

Ending this blog post with a sunrise photo from Sandy Beach on Siunday.

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