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Weekend Recap #27: Rain Or Shine, we still chance em.

With all this bad weather weve been having lately, it was realy hard for me to do anything for a whole week straight. Even though it was still storming over the weekend, I still managed to get out and go on my usual weekend aventures. I started off Saturday by pickig up a replacement camera for my Canon 70D which was a mint condition Canon 7D and headed out to the beach with my friend to catch the surf on the North Shore. On Sunday it was an all day event on the West Side of Oahu, helping my friend out with a shot fro Delight Brand Clothing, leading me into being part of the team. A good weekend well spent despite the crazy rain jumping in on the action. Hopefuly next weekened looks good and the weather wont bare down on my photography missions.

Of course I had to pose for the camera, my friend cathing a picutre of me while take a picture of him.

It was pouring all overw the island and somehow North Shore caught a break in the storm. After the last rain cloud that passed, it was straight sunlight until we left the beach.

Gotta love the Canon 7D with the 8fps. Snapping this photo of a surfer getting some air time at Ehukai Beach Park.

Neutral Density Filter photos are back in action!!!

Setting up and checking out the shots suring the sunset.

My good friend, Ke'ali'i Punley posing for a shot while he took a photo of me. Hope you heal soon so I can get some photos of you bodysurfing again.

Sliding into your DM's like.....

Sun setting down on a beautiful Saturday.

Caught the sky and timed it with the sunset, sadly the storm clouds blocked the entire sun but it was worth more than having to bail out early and get soaked from the rain.

A trip down to the West side with my friends helping to do a photoshoot for Delight Brand Clothing while also getting to know the owner and being part of the team. I was mostly doing behind-the-scenes shoots and learning from my friend just to know what I'l expect when I do future photoshoots. I took this photo of Chalay while we were doing a quick photoshoot before everyone else came.

My buddy Nate chilling it out.

West Side Diamond Head.

My good Friend Troy seeting up for the shot.

It was a long day and we braved it out with the passing storm during our photo shoots. Hope to be back doing my own shoot soon and when the weather isnt like this.

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