Weekend Recap #24: Halloween Weekend.
Hope everyone had an awesome Halloween weekend, I know I did and I wish the weekend was longer. There was so much going from Saturday to Sunday, I tired to fit in my photography in between. Here are some of the photos from the crazy weekend.

Early morn ing shot of the sunset peaking through Kualoa Valley.

Steadily waiting till I started my first run at the Run The Xombie Apocalypse in Kualoa Valley. Such a great experience and my first ever type of run eventy like this.

Taken on my second run, it was a fun day getting dirty and running away from zombies.

I was pretty much the only guy who dressed all out as an army guy to run from the zombies. Thank goodness I didnt have my other vest with plates and kevlar helmet.I was already dying in this going uphill haha. I still pushed through and made my frist run time in 39 minutes.

Porbably what I'll look like when a zombie apocalypse hits us.

If only my truck was lifted.

Opening day at Pipeline on a Sunday on November 1st.

Lost my Canon 70D to a saltwater bath due to a leak in my housing that im still tryoing to figure out how it happened. It really sucks but I'll have to replace my camera or hope that it can be repaired. This is the reason why I needed into invest in a professional housing so something like this wouldnt happen. Its a costly accident but something I can learn from and prevent in the future.

Follow me!!! Into dangerous shorebreaks :}

Secretly I love to dance....underwater that is lol

Party wave at Pipeline.

Ke'iki Beach on a Sunday, such a crazy afternoon here, giant waves coming out of nowhere and everyone breaking surfboards.

.I loved seeing these boys on the raft taking on the sets, it was like J.O.B. was out there. Check out my video to see the epic wipeout from them. I seriously wanted to go on with them to get some epic video of me flying in the air on a raft.