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Fitted Hawaii: "10 Days Of Fitted" Contest

With the month of October in effect, Fitted Hawaii has announced its 10 year anniversary. I didnt even know they were arond for that long, had I known, I'd probably wouldve been hooked on it so much and end up like the OGs who have over hundreds of hats. I only got started into Fited somewhere around 2013 and my ver first hat was a yellow mua. Now fast forward to today, I have more then 10 hats and half of my collection are muas. I really love this brand so much and these hats have a special place in my adventures and my photography, you can often see my hats in my photos. With that being said these are my entires for the contest. Everyday is something new and I challenged myself to get a creative photo with each of my hats. It wasnt as Easy at it looked, I sometimes drove down to the beach twice in a row right after work or stayed out late at night, hoping to achieve a photo no one else has or somewhere they havnt ben to yet. This contest was a great experience to showcse my photography talent and to create new types of photos to showcase how Fitted Hawaii is part of my lifestyle.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10- For my final photo of the contest, I decided to go with my original first hat I bought from Fitted Hawaii. It was a yellow hat with a white mua on the front and tapa patten brim. This was a significant hat to me because I always wore it on the days I would voluneteer at the Waikiki Aquarium since it would match with our yellow shirts we used to wear. No we swtiched to blue shirts but the hat still matched with my attire. It was also a symbol for the weekend and how I would spend mostly my whole day in Waikiki after I finbished my shift at the aquarium. This hat really means a lot to me which is why I chose to do this self portrait shot of me in Waikiki. After all, this was the hat that started me to get into Fitted Hawaii and how Fitted Hawaii contributed to my lifestyle and photography.

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