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Weekend Recap #11: Out and About.

It was another great weekend; Early morning beach session at Sandys and taking family out to go a little bit of sight seeing and adventuring, while they were visiting from Washington State. We ended up heading down to the North Shore side of Oahu, going down to Haleiwa for Acai Bowls, Ehukai Beach Park, back to Haleiwa to eat lunch, and Mokuleia Beach to rest it out for the day. Despite not having sunscreen for the whole trip, I still managed to have fun take a few shots for my cousin and her friend. Its pretty awesome that someone in the family does photography. Saturday was the only day I did my photography work but I did get enough photos to last me for the week aha. Here's to another weekend, looking froward to the next one \m/

Sandys looking lovely in the early morning hours before sunrise. Of course theres always those early bird shooters like this guy who was using his flash to get some cool shots.

Probably one of my best shots that morning, I always shoot at Gas Chambers because no one is really out here and the crowd faces towards the sun and takes away from getting good shots. At least with this perspective, I can get full control of the sun and colors, while also not having to worry about people getting in my shots.

Unlce Gavin Iwai always doing his thing at Sandys haha. This guy is so lucky he lives close to this side of the island works nearby. He's pretty much here every morning, either shooting photos or catching waves. Check out his work on intsgram @ocean_motion and facebook.

Our first stop in Haleiwa was Haleiwa Bowls, im seriously going to say that this was my first time here LOL. After all these times I pass by I finally was able to try it out. Its really good and im surprised the bananas didnt kill me. Id highly recomend this palce to anyone who loves fruits or healthy eating.

My cousin on the right and her friend on the left. Her family came down from Washington to visit everyone on Oahu. It was nice seeing them, they defitnetly had a great time with me taking them all over the North Shore.

Can you guess where this is?

Nothing like views like this to spend the day.

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