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Weekend Recap: #9- It's all about the Adventure.

This past weekend was filled with an almost non-stop traveling scene, almost going all over the island. Saturday consisted of my best friend from high school who receently moved to Las Vegas to go to schol for music, visitng home for summer break. We did our excusion to the East Side of Oahu; China Walls and Spitting Caves. I recently been there before but this time it was pretty crazy but well worth the risk and photos. I also got to jump off China Walls for the first time and try to shoot some photos from the water there. Overall it was a great Saturday and I was glad to see one of my best friends from high school again.

Onto Sunday it was another epic beach adventure day wth my favorite girl. It was a last minute decission the night before when she asked me she wanted to go diving. We set our alarms and left early to head out to the West Side of Oahu with our first stop at Yokohama Bay. We had hopes that we would see dolphins on our diving trek. The waters were nice and glassy but were in no luck to find dolphins, only till after we left they showed up. After that attempt she wanted to head out to Electric Beach which is right off the power plant in Nanakuli. We didnt find Dolphins but did still have a great time getting photos and enjoying the ocean as best as we could. Then finally she wanted to do a another round of beach so we ended up heading to Shark's Cove in the North Shore of Oahu. Thankgoodness the current wasnt as strong as the beaches on the West Side, it turned out to be a good evening dive sesh on my home turf. Lastly to top it off, we watched the sunset off from Pupukea to make the most of our Sunday together. I couldnt have asked for a better day.

Take the time to enjoy these photos that covered my weekend \m/


We tried to walk around China Walls to get to spitting caves but ended up getting stuck due to the waves bloking our path and it was getting way too scketchy to stay at this spot any longer. If you were there, it was almost and epic disaster waiting to hapen hahah. Last time it wasnt this rought though lol.


One of my best friends, Joshua Luna, who came back home to Hawaii from Las Vegas for summer break. Nice catching up and hanging out with him.


We were repping out fiited hats today.


China Walls this Saturday afternoon. It was well worth the swim but not the cut on my hand trying to get back up.


Always living up the weekend by refreshing with Kona Red.


Had the whole Sunday with my favorite girl, can you beleive we went beach hoping to three different palces, thats more than any of the other days ive done so far. The weather and conditions were perfect until the clouds came in unexpectedley.


Throwing the shaka while also looking like a legit asian tourist :)


Yokohama Bay with clear waters and the rest of the west side in the distance.


I had so much diving photos of her, now if I only had a better housing I could have the full over and under effect.


That moment when she got scared trying to get into the water and I had to help her hahah. This was at Shark's Cove.


Photo of a Honu on the West Side of Oahu.


30 something ft down in the open ocean.


We take the best photos together sometimes decent and akward. Hows my camera tripod as my selfie stick haha.


Enjoying the sunset from Pupukea, one of my favorite places to watch the sunset and relax. If only these wires wernt in the way.

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