Weekend Recap #6: Photography Weekend
This past Saturday and Sunday has been a fun-filled weekend consiting of photography and beach relaxation. It may sound like my usual ordinary weekend, however, there was a work-related side to it as well. I was given the chance to be part of a photography workshop by Surf Photographer Zak Noyle. I'll speak more and post about it in another blog. Back to Saturday, after the first day of the workshop, I headed down to my Aunt's Beach House in Kailua since the family was there and I could stay over so I wouldnt have to drive back to Wahiawa and back to Sandy Beach for Sunday (Smart Hawaiian Status).
It was nice being able to see my family from that side of the island again and the windy serene feel of Kailua Beach. It was a BBQ night so I ended up cooking up the meats, building my appetite after surfing the choppy condition surf. After cooking I went out to get a few shots of the sunet, this time I shot in RAW mode. Later on into the night, everyone wanted to go crab hunting, something we always did as kids and even till this day. I was able to mess around with my camera and see how well I could capture the moment. After our trek on the beach, my niece wanted to go swiming in the pool and I told her I go and bring my camera housing to take photos of her. I was happy with the photos I took, I was expermenting with underwater night photography for the first time.
As it came to a close for the night, most of everyone went home and I stayed over, getting a chance to sleep at 12am (Needed to be at Sandys before 5am lol) It Was time for the second and last day of the photography workshop. This part I'll discuss more on a later blog but lets just say I had a great time at Sandy Beach and the whole weekend went well.