Shark's Cove; North Shore, Oahu.

Shark's Cove is a popular diving and snorkeling spot on the North Shore of Oahu. Located in the Pupukea area right across from Foodland, it is a rocky reef beach with a few spots of huge tidepools and a separate cove and bay. I like to come here during the summer time when North Shore is mellow because I can be able to dive here, especially in the vast numbers of underwater caves. This is also where I practice my underwater photography, shooting the marine life that thrives whitin these protected waters, You'll never know what you'll see when you come here. Ive seen mostly fish and turtles and rare sighting of a Hawaiian Monk Seal up close and personal. Just remember to not to disturb or damage the marine life here and dont pick up anything that looks spiny, pokey or unusual, common sense will let you have a good time here. Check out these photos from my recent dives in 2015 and 2014.

School of Oama (Young Goat fish) are plentiful at Shark's Cove, numbering in the hundreds in one spot

Papio(Young Travely) patroling the open for food.

The Drop Off

School of two different species of Tang fish.

20 something feet down

Popular jumping spot for tourists and locals, the climb is the worse part because of the sharp and jagged edges on the rock. Just be sure to jump far out to clear the rocks underneath.

Havnt seen a Blue Goat Fish before but it wouldve been on dinner plate, thats for sure.

One of the main caves everyone will dive through at Shark's Cove, this is a relatively easy dive compared to caves on the far right side of this spot.